Your neighbourhood plan

This website is no longer current – to view the Broomfield Neighbourhood Plan click here –

Neighbourhood Plan

Welcome to the Broomfield Parish neighbourhood plan.

For reasons that we need not bore you with, the contents of this website are being moved  from one server to another. Until the end of March, you can click here to find the old site. Meanwhile, we are moving to the Parish Council’s server. Please bear with us during the move.

While you can get straight to the documents by going through the neighbourhood plan menu. I have included some of the main documents here, but with a bit of background.

This is the Broomfield NP Landscape Appraisal, carried out on our behalf by Alison Farmer Associates. Our residents’ questionnaire showed that the countryside surrounding our village is important or very important to 99% of our residents. So, we commissioned this professional appraisal to “dig deeper” and examine the professional evidence behind the residents’ opinion.

The Appraisal will help us to include robust policies to protect the areas and features of the countryside that residents most want to protect. Please note that the policies will be in the neighbourhood plan itself (not the appraisal), but it gives us a very good basis on which to go forward.

These are the parish demographics that will give you an insight into who lives here, what needs they have, and what this means for the future.



Local government for the Parish of Broomfield